Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors among Active College Students in Kuwait Relative to Gender Status


College students; exercise; Kuwait; physical activity; sedentary behaviors; sleep.


Objectives: To determine the prevalence of physical activity (PA), sedentary behaviors (SB) and sleep duration and the associations between those variables among Kuwaiti Physical Education (PE) College students.
Methods: A total of 418 participants (220 females) were randomly selected from the Basic Education College in the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training in Kuwait. Body weight and height were measured, and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. A validated questionnaire was used to assess lifestyle behaviors.
Results: Based on BMI classification, the prevalence of overweight or obesity among males (34.9%) was significantly higher than that of females (16.7%). However, the mean (SD) of body fat percentage using bioelectrical impedance analysis was 21.3 (9.0) for males and 32.3 (7.7) for females. The proportions of highly active (>1200 METs-min/week) males (85.9%) and females (64.3%) were significantly (p<0.005) different. The participants exceeding 3 hours of screen viewing time/day and insufficient sleep duration (<7 hours/night) were 76.8% and 65.1%, respectively, with no gender differences. Logistic regression, adjusted for confounders, showed that highly active PE students had a higher proportion of SB. However, neither sleep duration nor body fat percentage exhibited any significant difference relative to PA.
Conclusions: Despite having high PA, Kuwaiti PE College students had a high prevalence of SB and insufficient sleep. Gender differences were found in PA but not in screen time or sleep duration. Efforts toward reducing SB and insufficient sleep among Kuwaiti PE College students are needed to reduce unhealthy lifestyle behaviors and promote health and well‑being.


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